DISCO P20 — 
Tricycle for seniors and disabled

The Disco P20 is a very comfortable and safe front wheel equipped tricycle, that may very well be your new best friend! The system is ideal for retrofitting the motor or for those who need to be able to control the speed with a throttle.

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DISCO P20 is equipped with a speed sensor which ensures that the motor only works when you push the pedals – the so-called pedelec principle. In other words, you must work before you can relax. You control the power of the motor in 5 levels and/or by means of the gas handle – and it switches itself off at 25 km/h. The tricycle has start-up help of up to 6 km/h.

The driving distance of a fully charged battery is up to 35 km. The more you work and in combination with favourable wind and weather conditions, you can usually achieve an even longer distance.

Disco P20 is especially known for its comfort, durability and formidable roadability:

  • Powerful and almost silent electric motor activated by the pedals
  • Smart LCD display and removable Li/ion battery
  • Easy to get on and off and safe to drive
  • Comfortable sofa seat which is easily adjusted forwards and backwards
  • Extremely strong construction and a long working life (+10 years)
  • 7 gears with/without reverse function
  • We tailor the tricycle to your specific needs and deliver it within 15 business days

Read more about the motor

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